Blocks from the Chain — Issue #77

4 min readJun 3, 2019

happy monday! fresh start to the week, i actually thought it was tuesday for some reason, today is a bit of an admin day around these parts, lots of trash to throw out, re-org things, you know how that day to day life of logistics is — it kinda get’s in the way of the hobby/fun stuff you wanna play with — for instance i want to investigate my next chain to play with properly EOS after that annoucement, but also i want to get some videos and blog posts done today on the chain, it’s been a while since i’ve posted something and i’m kinda missing it, it becomes like this itch that needs to be scratched ya know?

that’s one of the things i’m aware of these days in the digital world is that is everyone is trying to make a better road, a better version of what content looks like to them, a filter, a curation, noise suppression, the opposite of what does not work, mainly male ego dominated too in the process. i’d personally love to see more supported frontends for women on the steem blockchain, heck blockchains in general — maybe voice can give those safe zones for people who want to know that the person on the other end is a real person.

now don’t take me the wrong way here, privacy to some is important, a level of abstraction helps them live out those multiple identities (sometimes personalities) it’s their coping methods, allows them to experiment, protects them in a bubble in some ways — of course we know with the level of data that’s out there on us that’s probably not true, with the highest bidder goes the data without a blink of an eye, it’s like a stream or firehose of never ending expanding content blasting out over the internet — you only have to dig around in to see that.

but to me it’s interesting to how distracting to the human condition the game has become, the aquistition of knowledge, money, power at the expense of the rest, it’s getting faster, more brutal, fuelled by years of anger and downtrodding austerity across the world, for many it’s a battle to keep head above water and keep swimming, blockchains for me have become the post it note conduits between the digital switch and the analog reset.

i’ve realised quite a lot in the last year about my involvement in these spaces mainly from working on a dapp on the steem blockchain where the chances are this is going too, you can kinda project out a little and see where it’s all ending up, the game is keep adapting and adopting what works for you, this stuff moves so fast you’d probably stuggle to keep up anyway and nothing often is’nt what it seems! keep stacking, keeping building, keep focused.


MC Humble x

# Specificity (word of the day)

Specificity. The condition or state of being specific rather than general. “His input added a desirable note of specificity to the discussion.”


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