Blocks from the Chains — Issue #87

5 min readJun 13, 2019

yo! it’s thursday fam and wow have we been having some serious rain situation over here, today should be the same again, in fact, i thought it would have stopped by tomorrow but it’s looking bleak for that day too! staying in and catching up with tv shows episodes and season 2 of ‘one punch man’ then i guess! :) — so how’s your week been going? i’ve been just churning away with the new site, new cdn working sweet, backups are in, just need to keep adding content in and then i’ll probably put out a blog post from it to the steem blockchain to make sure that component is working — happy to get out shooting both pictures and videos for the site in the rest of the year (personal challenge to get myself of my chair and into the world)

found out yesterday our t-shirt site does not work in canada which kinda blows — they don’t have a distribution unit there so we can only service USA and the EU from the latvia point, kinda sucky as i’d love to find an easy solution to that, i guess i need to put a new steemtaskr request out for some help again for building out that ‘pay with steem button’ — i also noticed that my steem engine wallet jumped up from $20 to $70 so i’m not sure what that’s about, so many coins, so very confusing what people ‘value’ based on sheer speculation and emotional attachment to legacy and faux progress!

this all being said i’m still very much blogging daily on the steem blockchain and i’m happy to use steempeak as my frontend of choice for these links, i know i’ve been a bit slow on the uptake talking about the other chains but i’ve been experimenting with filebase, a sia coin storage platform a little like amazon s3. it’s much cheaper as well, i’m certain even steem could benefit if they hosted their images over there as well, imagine steem using another blockchain that was designed for the storage of media! crazy, feels very meta side chain to me but why not, supports both communities and economies!

hope you enjoy the links, just clicked COLLECT, at least i know the beer collection is sorted for the weekend! have a great thursday.

peace and love (and hugs)

(don’t forget, you can get a steem account at ampsteem, and if you are interested)

# SCRUTINIZE (word of the day)

A close look at the etymology of scrutinize reveals that the word stems from the Latin verb scrutari (meaning “to search” or “to examine”), which in turn probably comes from scruta (meaning “trash,” or more specifically “a mixture of worthwhile articles and trash”). In the 15th century, scrutari gave us the noun scrutiny, a word that originally meant “a formal vote” and then “an official examination of votes.”


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